E-mail: gtcxiaomai@163.com
1. 不同穗型小麦品种群体光合特性及产量性状的研究,作物学报,2001,27(5):633-639(第1作者);
2. 高产麦田氮素利用、氮平衡及适宜施氮量,作物学报,2008,34(5):886-892(第1作者);
3. Influence of nitrogen fertilizer application rate on winter wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.) flour quality and Chinese noodle quality,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2009,89:1213-1220(通讯作者);
4. Assessment of plant nitrogen status using chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of the upper leaves in winter wheat,European Journal of Agronomy,2015,64,78-87(通讯作者);
5. Transcription analysis of genes encoding the wheat root transporter NRT1 and NRT2 families during nitrogen starvation,Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 2014,33:837-848(第一作者);
6. Effects of cultivation patterns on winter wheat root growth parameters and grain yield,Field Crops Research,2014,156:208-218(通讯作者);
7. Remote estimation of above ground nitrogen uptake during vegetative growth in winter wheat using hyperspectral red-edge ratio data,Field Crops Research, 2015,180:197-206(通讯作者);
8. Improved remote sensing of leaf nitrogen concentration in winter wheat using multi-angular hyperspectral data,Remote Sensing of Environment,2016,174:122-133(通讯作者);
9. Difference in AGPase subunits could be associated with starch accumulation in grains between two wheat cultivars,Plant Growth Regulation ,2010,61:61-66(通讯作者);
10. Effect of nitrogen fertilization and irrigation on phenolic content, phenolic acid composition, and antioxidant activity of winter wheat grain. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2015, 95: 1039–1046(通讯作者);
11. Diversity of antioxidant content and its relationship to grain color and morphological characteristics in winter wheat grains. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2014, 13: 1258–1267(通讯作者);
12. Expression of flavonoid biosynthesis genes and accumulation of flavonoid in wheat leaves in response to drought stress . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2014, 80: 60–66(通讯作者);
13. Characterization of the
TaMIPS gene from winter wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.) and changes in its expression pattern with phytic acid accumulation in seeds during grain filling. Journal of Cereal Science,2013, 57: 437–443(通讯作者);
14. Accumulation of phenolic compounds and expression profiles of phenolic acid biosynthesis-related genes in developing grains of white, purple, and red wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016,7: 528(通讯作者);
15. Alleviation of drought stress by hydrogen sulfide is partially related to the abscisic acid signaling pathway in wheat. Plos One, 2016,11: e0163082(通讯作者);
16. Silicon application alleviates drought stress in wheat through transcriptional regulation of multiple antioxidant defense pathways. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,2016, 35: 1–10(通讯作者);
17. Surface lipids play a role in the interaction of puroindolines with wheat starch and kernel hardness. Cereal Chemistry, 2016, 93: 523–528(通讯作者);
18. Influence of nitrogen fertilizer application rate on winter wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.) flour quality and Chinese noodle quality. J Sci Food Agric, 2009; 89: 1213–1220(通讯作者);
19. Measuring leaf nitrogen concentration in winter wheat using double-peak spectral reflection remote sensing data. Field Crops Research,2014, 159: 43–52(通讯作者);
20. Effects of different irrigation and nitrogen regimes on root growth and its correlation with above-ground plant parts in high-yielding wheat under field conditions . Field Crops Research,2014, 165: 138–149(通讯作者);
21. Estimating canopy leaf nitrogen concentration in winter wheat based on multi-angular hyperspectral remote sensing. European Journal of Agronomy, 2016, 73: 170–185(通讯作者);
22. Improved remote sensing detection of wheat powdery mildew using dual-green vegetation indices .Precision Agriculture, 2016, 17: 608–627(通讯作者);
23. Proteomics reveals the effects of salicylic acid on growth and tolerance to subsequent drought stress in wheat. Journal of Proteome Research, 2012, 11: 6066–6079(通讯作者);
24. Hg-responsive proteins identified in wheat seedlings using iTRAQ analysis and the role of ABA in Hg stress. Journal of Proteome Research,2015, 14:249–267(通讯作者);
25. Proteomic analysis on salicylic acid-induced salt tolerance in common wheat seedlings. BBA-Proteins and Proteomics, 2012, 1824, 1324–1333(通讯作者);
26. Virus-induced gene silencing identifies an important role of the TaRSR1 transcription factor in starch synthesis in bread wheat. International Journal Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17, 1557(通讯作者);
27. Increasing the starch content and grain weight of common wheat by overexpression of the cytosolic AGPase large subunit gene. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 73, 93–98(通讯作者);
28. Proteomic analysis of spring freeze-stress responsive proteins in leaves of bread wheat .Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 63, 236–244(通讯作者);
29. Identification of the
TaBTF3 gene in wheat and the effect of silencing on wheat chloroplast, mitochondria and mesophyll cell development. Biochem Biophy Res Co, 2012, 426, 608–614(通讯作者);
30. Identification and expression pattern of ribosomal L5 gene in common wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.). Gene,2012, 493, 62–68(通讯作者);
31. A novel
Ta.AGP.S.1b transcript in Chinese common wheat (
Triticum aestivum L
.) . Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2010, 333, 716–724(通讯作者);
32. Exogenous salicylic acid enhances wheat drought tolerance by influence on the expression of genes related to ascorbate-glutathione cycle. Biologia Plantarum,2013, 57, 718–724(通讯作者);
33. Comprehensive analysis of the transcription of starch synthesis genes and the transcription factor RSR1 in wheat endosperm .Genome, 2013, 56, 115–122(通讯作者);
34. Transcriptional profile of the spring freeze response in the leaves of bread wheat . Acta Physiol Plant,2013, 35, 575–587(通讯作者);
35. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of starch branching enzyme III gene from common wheat. Biochemical Genetics, 2013, 51, 377–386(通讯作者);
36. Using multi-angle hyperspectral data to monitor canopy leaf nitrogen content of wheat. Precision Agriculture, 2016, 17: 721–736(通讯作者);
37. Examining view angle effects on leaf N estimation in wheat using field reflectance spectroscopy . ISPRS J Photogramm, 2016, 122: 57–67(通讯作者)。
1.小麦的穗. 中国农业出版社,2008,主编;
2.小麦生态栽培. 科学出版社,2014,第3主编;
6.小麦优质高产栽培理论与实践. 中国科学技术出版社. 2003, 副主编;
1.冬小麦根穗发育及产量品质协同提高关键栽培技术研究与应用. 国家科技进步二等奖,2009,第1名;
2.河南小麦品质生态与调优栽培技术研究及其产业化开发,河南省科技进步二等奖,2005, 第1名;