

E-mail: gtcxiaomai@163.com



1. 不同穗型小麦品种群体光合特性及产量性状的研究,作物学报,2001,27(5):633-639(第1作者);
2. 高产麦田氮素利用、氮平衡及适宜施氮量,作物学报,2008,34(5):886-892(第1作者);
3. Influence of nitrogen fertilizer application rate on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) flour quality and Chinese noodle quality,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2009,89:1213-1220(通讯作者);
4. Assessment of plant nitrogen status using chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of the upper leaves in winter wheat,European Journal of Agronomy,2015,64,78-87(通讯作者);
5. Transcription analysis of genes encoding the wheat root transporter NRT1 and NRT2 families during nitrogen starvation,Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 2014,33:837-848(第一作者);
6. Effects of cultivation patterns on winter wheat root growth parameters and grain yield,Field Crops Research,2014,156:208-218(通讯作者);
7. Remote estimation of above ground nitrogen uptake during vegetative growth in winter wheat using hyperspectral red-edge ratio data,Field Crops Research, 2015,180:197-206(通讯作者);
8. Improved remote sensing of leaf nitrogen concentration in winter wheat using multi-angular hyperspectral data,Remote Sensing of Environment,2016,174:122-133(通讯作者);
9. Difference in AGPase subunits could be associated with starch accumulation in grains between two wheat cultivars,Plant Growth Regulation ,2010,61:61-66(通讯作者);
10. Effect of nitrogen fertilization and irrigation on phenolic content, phenolic acid composition, and antioxidant activity of winter wheat grain. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2015, 95: 1039–1046(通讯作者);
11. Diversity of antioxidant content and its relationship to grain color and morphological characteristics in winter wheat grains. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2014, 13: 1258–1267(通讯作者);
12. Expression of flavonoid biosynthesis genes and accumulation of flavonoid in wheat leaves in response to drought stress . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2014, 80: 60–66(通讯作者);
13. Characterization of the TaMIPS gene from winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and changes in its expression pattern with phytic acid accumulation in seeds during grain filling. Journal of Cereal Science,2013, 57: 437–443(通讯作者);
14. Accumulation of phenolic compounds and expression profiles of phenolic acid biosynthesis-related genes in developing grains of white, purple, and red wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016,7: 528(通讯作者);
15. Alleviation of drought stress by hydrogen sulfide is partially related to the abscisic acid signaling pathway in wheat. Plos One, 2016,11: e0163082(通讯作者);
16. Silicon application alleviates drought stress in wheat through transcriptional regulation of multiple antioxidant defense pathways. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,2016, 35: 1–10(通讯作者);
17. Surface lipids play a role in the interaction of puroindolines with wheat starch and kernel hardness. Cereal Chemistry, 2016, 93: 523–528(通讯作者);
18. Influence of nitrogen fertilizer application rate on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) flour quality and Chinese noodle quality. J Sci Food Agric, 2009; 89: 1213–1220(通讯作者);
19. Measuring leaf nitrogen concentration in winter wheat using double-peak spectral reflection remote sensing data. Field Crops Research,2014, 159: 43–52(通讯作者);
20. Effects of different irrigation and nitrogen regimes on root growth and its correlation with above-ground plant parts in high-yielding wheat under field conditions . Field Crops Research,2014, 165: 138–149(通讯作者);
21. Estimating canopy leaf nitrogen concentration in winter wheat based on multi-angular hyperspectral remote sensing. European Journal of Agronomy, 2016, 73: 170–185(通讯作者);
22. Improved remote sensing detection of wheat powdery mildew using dual-green vegetation indices .Precision Agriculture, 2016, 17: 608–627(通讯作者);
23. Proteomics reveals the effects of salicylic acid on growth and tolerance to subsequent drought stress in wheat. Journal of Proteome Research, 2012, 11: 6066–6079(通讯作者);
24. Hg-responsive proteins identified in wheat seedlings using iTRAQ analysis and the role of ABA in Hg stress. Journal of Proteome Research,2015, 14:249–267(通讯作者);
25. Proteomic analysis on salicylic acid-induced salt tolerance in common wheat seedlings. BBA-Proteins and Proteomics, 2012, 1824, 1324–1333(通讯作者);
26. Virus-induced gene silencing identifies an important role of the TaRSR1 transcription factor in starch synthesis in bread wheat. International Journal Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17, 1557(通讯作者);
27. Increasing the starch content and grain weight of common wheat by overexpression of the cytosolic AGPase large subunit gene. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 73, 93–98(通讯作者);
28. Proteomic analysis of spring freeze-stress responsive proteins in leaves of bread wheat .Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 63, 236–244(通讯作者);
29. Identification of the TaBTF3 gene in wheat and the effect of silencing on wheat chloroplast, mitochondria and mesophyll cell development. Biochem Biophy Res Co, 2012, 426, 608–614(通讯作者);
30. Identification and expression pattern of ribosomal L5 gene in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Gene,2012, 493, 62–68(通讯作者);
31. A novel Ta.AGP.S.1b transcript in Chinese common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) . Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2010, 333, 716–724(通讯作者);
32. Exogenous salicylic acid enhances wheat drought tolerance by influence on the expression of genes related to ascorbate-glutathione cycle. Biologia Plantarum,2013, 57, 718–724(通讯作者);
33. Comprehensive analysis of the transcription of starch synthesis genes and the transcription factor RSR1 in wheat endosperm .Genome, 2013, 56, 115–122(通讯作者);
34. Transcriptional profile of the spring freeze response in the leaves of bread wheat . Acta Physiol Plant,2013, 35, 575–587(通讯作者);
35. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of starch branching enzyme III gene from common wheat. Biochemical Genetics, 2013, 51, 377–386(通讯作者);
36. Using multi-angle hyperspectral data to monitor canopy leaf nitrogen content of wheat. Precision Agriculture, 2016, 17: 721–736(通讯作者);
37. Examining view angle effects on leaf N estimation in wheat using field reflectance spectroscopy . ISPRS J Photogramm, 2016, 122: 57–67(通讯作者)。

1.小麦的穗. 中国农业出版社,2008,主编;
2.小麦生态栽培. 科学出版社,2014,第3主编;
6.小麦优质高产栽培理论与实践. 中国科学技术出版社. 2003, 副主编;

 1.冬小麦根穗发育及产量品质协同提高关键栽培技术研究与应用. 国家科技进步二等奖,2009,第1名;
 2.河南小麦品质生态与调优栽培技术研究及其产业化开发,河南省科技进步二等奖,2005, 第1名;